% Dry matter = (Final Weight Initial Weight) x 100. A clean site also reduces the potential for rodent damage to the bags. Bushels = 0.314 x diameter x diameter x average depth of grain (all in feet) for ear corn, Bushels = width x length x average depth of grain (all in feet) x density (same values as previous), Bushels = Pi x diameter x diameter x depth of grain (all in feet) x density x (1 - % moisture) / .845, for number 2 shelled corn or ground ear corn As discussed previously, oxygen trapped in the forage mass will cause excessive heating, which may decrease the digestibility of protein in the forage. A vinegar odor indicates extensive acetic acid fermentation, which is promoted by wet silage, inadequate lactic acid bacteria populations, and low levels of crop sugars. Silage storage losses can be high if crops are not harvested at the proper moisture content, facilities are inadequate, the crop is not chopped correctly and packed well, and/or silos are not sealed properly. Measuring the particle length of individual forages is only one part of the solution. Avoid reentering the silo for the next 60 hours. When silo filling is complete, cover the surface with plastic immediately to keep air and water out of the silage mass. Drought reduces alfalfa yield, but tends to increase quality because the lack of moisture stunts stem growth, resulting in leafier plants with finer stems. Three on-farm methods of determining dry matter are using an electronic tester, Koster tester, or microwave. Therefore, when a crop is harvested as silage, the farmer is usually committed to feeding it to livestock. In addition, water is often not absorbed into the plant material and runs off, taking valuable water-soluble nutrients with it. For this reason, inoculants applied at the chopper tend to be more evenly distributed than those applied in a wagon or directly in the silo. feeding density adult dairy winter silage table cows plan maize nb silages grass similar The most important consideration when deciding to use silage additives is whether the improved quantity and quality of forage will offset the cost of the product and its application. Raises the crude protein level of corn silage on a dry matter basis from 8 to 9 percent to 13 to 14 percent, depending on the rate of application. The most common microbial inoculants are lactic acid bacteriaLactobacillus, Pediococcus, and Enterococcus species. This feed is also more likely to contain toxins that could harm animal health. Round bale silage made at the proper moisture content should not spoil, as long as the plastic remains intact. Fermentation is most affected by the moisture content at wrapping, not at baling. Sugar + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + heat. Yeast convert organic acids and residual plant sugars to carbon dioxide, water, and heat. This means 45 to 65 percent of the silage material should remain on the middle sieve and 30 to 40 percent on the lower sieve of the separator. When corn for silage contains more than 70 percent moisture, delay harvest until frosting, freezing, or advancing maturity lowers its moisture content. Dry matter losses were reduced in about 50 percent of all trials. However, the low cost of this option has increased the popularity of "drive-over piles." 2Survey of research published in the United States from 1996 through July 2003. High levels of naturally occurring bacteria in silage make it difficult for inoculated bacteria to gain a competitive edge. Corn maturity is determined by the stage of kernel development, which can be characterized by the position of the kernel milk line (Figure 2). Wet weather tends to increase fiber levels and decrease protein content in alfalfa. Instead of being transferred to the grain, plant carbohydrates remain in the leaves and stalk, which increases their availability. Ten to 20 percent of the crop should be in the upper sieve of the particle separator (Table 10). Soybean silage can be mixed with corn silage during silo filling to increase the protein content of the silage and improve fermentation. Please enter your email address below to create account. Maximum single meal dry matter intake of forages containing various levels of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N).1. 0000018104 00000 n Dark red represents digestible dry matter. Oxidation, molds, and spoilage increase as the bulk density approaches 30 lb/ft3, and heat damage is probable in forage at 50 percent moisture. Even though leaves may brown off along the edges and dry rapidly after a few sunny days, the green stalk and ears do not. This phase involves the production of butyric acid and other undesirable products, such as ammonia and small proteins called amines. Haylage is baled at 40-60% moisture, it is essentially a wet bale of wilted forage. haylage bale hay Drought-stressed alfalfa often contains less, but more digestible, fiber and more protein because there are more leaves relative to stems. bale haylage medium meadow grass Following severe stress, these forages resume growing, and the young regrowth contains high concentrations of hydrogen cyanide, commonly called prussic acid. For sorghum-sudan grass, harvest when the crop reaches 35 to 40 inches tall for the best forage quality; this will allow for multiple cuts and produce the highest yields. Making Sure Your Kernel Processor Is Doing Its Job 0000032849 00000 n From a management standpoint, the primary goal is to eliminate oxygen as soon as possible and keep it out for the duration of the storage period. High levels of propionic acid do not indicate poor packing or excess moisture at harvest. Ammonia treatment of corn silage is an effective and economical means of preserving corn silage while supplementing its crude protein value. WebHaylage is fermented hay. Typical composition (dry matter basis) of small grain forages fed as silage. Gradually introduce to ration. This inhibitory activity increases as pH declines, making propionic acid an ideal preservative for very acidic silages. The remainder of phase 4 is the material storage phase. Do not place a glass of water in the microwave with the sample; it will add moisture to the sample as it boils. The combination of odors from these various NPN compounds and butyric acid leads to intake depression. Figure 5. Bale density is measured in pounds per cubic foot. The cob on the right shows a less mature ear. Losses during storage can be limited by properly packing and sealing the storage structure. Corn silage with an alcohol odor indicates yeast fermentation that probably will reduce dry matter intake. During browning, proteins combine with plant sugars to form a brown lignin-like compound. Use of this acid at high rates to affect silage fermentation is not recommended. It's not an everyday problem, but there will be times when you need to calculate the capacity of something. Only particles less than 0.07 inches in length can pass through the lower sieve in this model. Typically, used tires are placed close together on the plastic and the edges are weighted with sandbags or soil. Clostridial species often found in silage. Table 2. Typical relationships between density and dry matter for corn silage and alfalfa haylage stored in horizontal silos. Density = 5 to 7 pounds per cubic foot for straw The list of factors that can influence the weight of a large round bale include: Forage maturity (percent leaves and stems). cubic concrete A water supply should be readily available for immediate first aid treatment in case of ammonia burns. Connect with your County Extension Office , Find an Extension employee in our staff directory , Get the latest news and updates on Extension's work around the state, Feedback, questions or accessibility issues: info@extension.wisc.edu | 2023 The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System Privacy Policy | Non-Discrimination Policy & How to File a Complaint | Disability Accommodation Requests. 2A single meal refers to the amount of forage dry matter consumed during one episode of eating. Exposure to air early in the fermentation process delays the drop in pH and prolongs the time needed to achieve stable silage. Changes in legumes and grasses with advancing maturity. These changes reduce forage quality. Additives will also improve the probability of better fermentation in many situations, although scientific data indicates varying degrees of success. Research is ongoing to evaluate if sampling from the top of a packed bunk can replace bunk-face sampling. Remember that silage is part of a dynamic biosystem where proper fermentation is delicately balanced based on the exclusion of oxygen, the availability of water-soluble carbohydrates, the moisture content of the crop mass, and the microbial and fungal populations present on the crop. 4Source: Dairy One Forage Lab. ft. according to depth of pile. Progress Rpt. Change filters and oil and lubricate all the necessary places, following the manufacturer's recommendations. Calculate dry matter by dividing the initial weight into the final weight and multiplying this result by 100. WebThe pounds of silage in the silo is calculated by multiplying: Length (ft) x width (ft) x depth (ft) x density (lb/cu-ft) at the final moisture content. Phase 4 will continue for about two weeks or until the acidity of the forage mass is low enough to restrict all bacterial growth, including the acid-tolerant lactic acid bacteria. &== bfi:2q~~q8]_Bb2. Before each harvest, clean out all old feed and inspect the inside surfaces of each silo. It can be applied at the blower, but may be more accurately added to the diet through inclusion in the TMR. Research at The University of Wisconsin and Cornell identified a significant advantage for bunker silos with a density pack greater than 14 pounds of dry matter per cubic foot of silage. Conventional upright silos should be covered with weighted plastic and sealed until they are opened for feeding. Previous How much space does a cow need in a shed that allows them to go in Table 19. Opened bags should be used as quickly as possible and within one season. Grass forages were less dense and averaged 4.6 lbs DM/ft. Weight = gallons x pounds per gallon Weight per cu. Pennsylvania silage production1 from 1970 to 2002. Silage additives do not affect mycotoxins, but using additives that reduce mold growth should limit the risk of increasing mycotoxin production after harvest. Provided the ensiled forage contains an adequate supply of readily available carbohydrates, fermentation in the silo will not progress to phase 5 when proper production practices are followed. 0000021954 00000 n Density = 5.90 + (0.1 x depth of haylage) (in feet) = tons of dry matter per cubic foot for haylage (density increases with the depth of the haylage) Forage or grain sorghum hybrids are best suited for silage, while sudangrass and sorghum-sudan are better for hay or grazing. WebIf you need to know the capacity in pounds of silage as fed, divide the table value by the dry matter content. Feed 3 to 5 pounds of concentrate per head daily to reduce possible toxic effects. WebRectangular: Gallons = length x width x height (all in feet) x 7.5 gallons per cubic foot Weight = gallons x pounds per gallon Weight = 8.33 pounds per gallon for water Weight = 7.15 pounds per gallon for diesel fuel (at room temperature) Weight = 6.15 pounds per gallon for DM per cubic foot 3 Capacity based on 33 lbs. Short version: Density = 8.0 + (0.15 x depth of silage) (in feet) = tons of dry matter per cubic foot for corn silage (density increases with the depth of the silage) Properly adjusting the number of knives and the feed roll to cutter head speed ratio improves the quality and accuracy of the cut and avoids tearing forage. WebSince this was already after dark, after 9 p.m. we were glad to get it done! Corn planted for silage can become frost-damaged whether it is immature or mature. 1992. We teach, learn, lead and serve, connecting people with the University of Wisconsin, and engaging with them in transforming lives and communities. Properly seal the edges and slope the silage mass to drain water away from feed. For an additive to be worthwhile, it must decrease dry matter loss during fermentation and storage, improve the nutritional value of silage to the animal, or enhance stability of the silage in storage or in the feed bunk. 1These recommendations are for use with the newest version of the particle separator, which has larger holes on the lower sieve than the previous model.2These recommendations are for the version of the particle separator with a wire mesh screen in the lower sieve. In vertical silos, bulk density is close to 20 pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft 3) at the top and 60 lb/ft 3 or more near the base. Typical nutrient composition of annual crops is shown in Table 9. In fact, piles may be considered "wall-less" bunker silos, which means the two primary concerns are packing and covering the pile (see discussion of horizontal silos). Feel the sample after each drying period; it should get more brittle after each drying. Further reduction, from 44 to 40 percent, requires another 495 pounds. For example, if corn at one-quarter milk line tests 70 percent moisture, you can estimate the number of days needed for the crop to drydown to 65 percent moisture. If pH is not lowered rapidly in the early stages of fermentation, undesirable bacteria and yeast will compete with lactic acid bacteria and reduce the likelihood of quickly reaching a stable state. Table 4. The moisture content can then be used to estimate the predicted harvest date using a drydown rate of 0.5 to 0.6 percent per day. For legumes: Immature, <40% NDF; Mid-Maturity, 4060% NDF; Mature, >46% NDF. Short version: Pounds = 0.0005787 x length x width x height (all in inches) x density, Cylindrical: Gallons = 3.1416 x diameter x diameter x length (all in feet) x 7.5 gallons per cubic foot Missing the weight of a bale by 10 percent amounts to some pretty significant dollars if multiple tons are being purchased. Harvest conditions such as low air temperature and short wilting time can limit natural bacterial populations on the plant. As a result, fiber and lignin levels in the whole plant increase, while protein and energy decrease (Figure 3). WebHaylage is fermented hay. This spreadsheet can be used to locate weak links in the silo filling process and experiment with solutions to increase silage density such as slowing delivery rate, adding packing tractor weight, increasing the time spent packing, changing the thickness of layers, or increasing silage depth. Inhaling silo gas can severely damage the nose, throat, and lungs; exposure to silo gas may result in chronic respiratory problems, fluid buildup in the lungs, or, at high levels, instant death. Collect a small sample of forage and place it on the plate. Researchers at the Marshfield Agricultural Research Station conducted a study to estimate the weight of loaded forage boxes. The respiration phase begins as soon as forage is mown. Haylage can be safely fed to cattle, sheep, and goats. In general, low pH indicates greater acid production. NPN should be added at a rate that can increase crude protein from about 8.5 to 13 percent on a dry matter basis. A caramelized or cooked odor, similar to tobacco or burnt sugar, is also abnormal. Enzymes that digest complex plant carbohydrates (cellulase, hemicellulase, xylanase, amylase, or pectinase) may also be added to stimulate fermentation. Penn State Extension. These numbers will vary slightly depending on the moisture content and length of cut at harvest. Chopping too fine reduces particle length greatly and may lessen the roughage value of the forage. In addition, organisms selected for microbial inoculation typically produce only lactic acid (homolactic or homofermentative bacteria). Careful management of the ensiling process can alter and improve silage fermentation profiles to reduce dry matter and energy losses and enhance dry matter intake and cow performance. Due to the high surface-to-mass ratio in bags, even a small leak can create large pockets of spoiled forage. Annual crops typically reach 60 to 70 percent moisture at soft dough stage. Individual machines may differ from these general recommendations, so be sure to follow the order and times described by the manufacturer. Wisconsin research showed that facers did not reduce forage particle size compared to unloading silage with a bucket or by hand; however, operating techniques should be monitored closely to prevent particle size reduction. silage weights Silage that is not packed has a weight of approximately 25 pounds per cubic foot, and well-packed silage is considered to weigh approximately 35 pounds per cubic foot. Harvest of barley, oats, and wheat can be delayed until soft dough stage to increase forage yield. The lower pH causes the acetic acid bacteria to decline in numbers, as they cannot tolerate an acidic environment. An empty silo gives you an opportunity to thoroughly inspect the structure. NRAES-5. Also, clean and open drains to allow silage effluent to move away from silage. In most cases, the tractor(s) should operate continually during filling, which means that an efficient silo-filling team usually has an extra person to distribute and compact forage. High-level management and sizeable financial outlays are necessary to efficiently produce, harvest, store, and feed silage. Kansas Ag. 1Average and standard deviation. Table 7. In addition, fiber-digesting enzymes can partially consume cell walls to improve silage digestibility. Finally, excessive oxygen and the resulting high silage temperatures increase the rate at which proteases convert crude protein to soluble protein (ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, free amino acids, amines, amides, and peptides). How Moisture Content Affects Hay Bale Weight Fresh baled hay: 18% to 20% moisture by weight. All inoculants should be stored in cool, dry areas out of direct sunlight. The ratio of lactic to acetic acid also may be calculated; ideally, the ratio should be 2:1 in favor of lactic acid (higher is better). Forages containing less than 1,000 parts per million (ppm) nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) on a dry matter basis may be fed free-choice, with no restriction on meal size, provided total intake of NO3-N, including that from water, is kept at a safe or low-risk level. Research is ongoing to evaluate if sampling from the top of a packed bunk can replace bunk-face sampling. Chop length for silage affects compaction and fermentation in the silo and roughage value and rumen function in the cow. Harvest corn silage when whole-plant moisture reaches 55 to 70 percent, depending on the storage structure (Table 4). Journal of Dairy Science. If you suspect high nitrate levels, use forage as silage rather than greenchop, because ensiling reduces nitrates by 50 to 60 percent. It is essential to pay extra attention to degradable and undegradable protein requirements of animals when feeding silage with added NPN. 2001. Table 7 clearly demonstrates the changes in barley silage as it matures. However, large stalk and cob pieces should be avoided because they are easily sorted out of a TMR. Bunk life is defined as the length of time silage remains at normal temperatures once it is exposed to air. The resulting acidity effectively "pickles" the forage. Normal cutting height for corn silage is 4 to 6 inches, but some studies have experimented with high cutting at 10 to 20 inches. This phase of the fermentation process continues for one to two days and merges into phase 3. These processes consume readily available carbohydrates stored in the plant and produce carbon dioxide, water, and heat. This situation has led to the development of a custom operations industry in many areas. Ft. will vary by amount of packing, fineness of cut, Moisture content, and depth of material. The actual chemical and physical characteristics of the plant material at harvest determine the outcome of using silage additives. Use a scale that reads to one-tenth of a gram (0.1). 0000003418 00000 n To reduce nitrate levels in drought-stressed plants, harvest crops in the afternoon on a warm, sunny day; be sure to wait 3 to 5 days after an appreciable rain or long cloudy spell. Ammonia values of five to seven percent of crude protein indicate well-preserved corn silage. Fresh forage is placed in the sample container and dried for a specific length of time. To keep silage fresh in the feed bunk, remove uneaten feed, clean the bunk daily, and keep water out. Grass forages were less dense and averaged 4.6 lbs DM/ft. For small grains, use a corn silage or grass product. However, in uncovered silos only 25 percent of the dry matter was recovered in the top 10 inches, which equals 75 percent storage loss at the top of the silo. Clostridia are spore-forming bacteria that normally live in manure and soil and can grow in silage when oxygen is absent. First cut alfalfa haylage and red clover haylage were denser with loaded wagons averaging 5.6 lbs DM/ft. Other ration ingredients with some research trial support, which may be used to minimize the effects of mycotoxins, include charcoal, fiber, aluminosilicates, and yeast cell components (mannanoligosaccharide). Finally, the maturity and quality of the crop to be ensiled greatly affect balage quality. Butyric acid is a sour-smelling, low energy acid that tends to decrease feed intake. Consider blending high-nitrate forage with forages containing lower amounts before feeding to provide less than 1,000 ppm NO, Abortion, reproductive failure, small calves, Milk residues regulated by FDA: < 0.5 ppb, Safe level in rations: 30 ppb (2550 ppb), When combined with other stressors or over a long period, exposure to 100 ppb can be toxic, Estrogenic response produces abortions, reproductive failure, reproductive tract infections, poor conception, and mammary gland enlargement in heifers, Infections of GI tract, intestinal hemorrhage, Step 1: Nitrogen needed per ton = 0.15 x 30 = 4.5 lb N/ton, Step 2: Urea needed per ton = 4.5 lb N/ton 0.45 = 10 lb urea/ton. Recommended application sites for ammonia are at the blower for uprights, at the bagger for bag silos, and at the chopper for horizontal silos. The use of an elevated hay wagon can reduce feeding losses to below 10 percent. Research has shown that potassium declines about one percentage point as alfalfa matures from the late vegetative to full bloom stage. Pi - Constant with an approximate value of 3.1416 Propionic acid may be added when moisture content is lower than 60 to 62 percent. Maillard browning also creates heat, which can increase silage temperatures to the point of spontaneous combustion. Since corn silage typically contains ten times more naturally occurring lactic acid bacteria than alfalfa, no additives or preservatives are recommended when whole-plant corn silage is made at the proper moisture level. = Tons Depth of silage Pounds per cu. Silage that has undergone normal fermentation has a light green to green-brown color and the slightly sweet odor of lactic acid. DM per cubic foot Calculations based on University of Wisconsin Forage Ext. Carbon dioxide build up in the silo also may occur during the respiration phase; inhaling concentrated carbon dioxide can cause asphyxiation. Its fairly intuitive that size of the bale will impact bale weight, but what may be overlooked is the degree of change that occurs when a bale is only 1 foot wider or 1 foot more in diameter. However, in some seasons, maturity may be delayed and a frost may be necessary to reduce moisture to the desired level. Table 17. Table 15. Although full-casing tires commonly have been used to weight silo covers, they have some drawbacks. Silage Inoculation. When stored forages contain more than 1,000 ppm NO3-N, intake generally must be managed to avoid elevated methemoglobin levels in the blood and other toxic effects (Table 13). The plant cells within the chopped forage mass continue to take in oxygen because many cell walls are still intact, and plant enzymes that break down proteins (proteases) continue to function. We weigh grain, feed inputs, crop inputs, calves, cows, and milk . As a result, nonprotein nitrogen supplementation is less effective with drought-stressed corn than with normal silage. These membranes will turn from pink to grayish-brown at a methemoglobin content of 20 percent or higher. The use of half tires or sidewall disks can reduce the number of tires needed, limit mosquito breeding grounds, and enable neater stacking when tires are not in use. A history of consistently poor quality silage will not be corrected with an additive. If sorghum forage is stunted by frost, delay harvest until 4 days after a killing frost or ensile the material. The pH can be measured in fresh silage samples on the farm, or samples can be shipped to a lab for analysis. Most dairy farmers do not have a drive-over scale available on their farms. Harvesting for forage is especially well suited to frost damaged soybeans that will not produce quality grain. Nutrient composition in Table 12 is presented for both dry matter and as fed values to show the impact of large variations in moisture content. 0000005611 00000 n Both alfalfa and grass usually provide more energy and protein when harvested as silage than as hay. 0000023888 00000 n Figure 10 was developed from alfalfa silage inoculation trials in Wisconsin and New York. Plastic should be 4 to 6 mil thick and preferably contain ultraviolet blocking compounds. Your nutritionist can guide you in testing forages and feeds for such compounds and in alleviating the problem using solutions that appear to provide the best results in your particular area. Ammonia also is not corrosive to most metal equipment. Some products appear to have an effect on some toxins and not others, yet these effects are not consistent between studies. Adding ground limestone to corn silage at ensiling is recommended only for use with beef cattle. This difference is likely related to the time required to revive the microorganisms in the inoculant. Bale density also plays a rather large role in final bale weight. Estimating Density In Imperial or US customary measurement system, the density is equal to 49.32 pound per cubic foot [lb/ft], or 0.457 ounce per cubic inch [oz/inch] . Test all feeds and water. Wrapped bales, for example, can vary in moisture from 30 to over 60 percent. First cut alfalfa haylage and red clover haylage were denser with loaded wagons averaging 5.6 lbs DM/ft3. Of the feed crops adapted to Pennsylvania, corn harvested as silage yields the greatest quantities of energy per acre, and alfalfa produces the greatest quantities of protein per acre. Silage additives encourage desirable fermentation, limit undesirable fermentation, or improve the nutritional quality of silage. 0000002337 00000 n 0000002795 0 cubic calculation Production of quality silage requires minimum nutrient loss, despite the dynamic and sensitive process of silage fermentation. Table 16. Plant sugar levels required for maximum fermentation of various crops are presented in Table 2. Ft. will vary by amount of packing, fineness of cut, Moisture content, and depth of material. Web1 Capacity based on 16 lbs. .CBRIM>O=hNS@X[D#B07.ETm[fm 0000028236 00000 n See Appendix 1 for step-by-step instructions explaining how to use a microwave to determine forage moisture content. Also inspect hydraulic hoses and fittings; replace any that are leaking, stiff, cracked, or have a soft or blistered cover. The higher acetic acid levels have not depressed feed intake in current published research. Another factor that affects the quality of forage in silo bags is forage density, which is largely controlled by the operator of the bagging machine. Is placed in the feed bunk, remove uneaten feed, clean out all old feed and the! Well-Preserved corn silage at ensiling is recommended only for use with beef cattle the of. Ammonia values of five to seven percent of the particle separator ( Table 4 ) seal edges... Rumen function in the whole plant increase, while protein and energy decrease ( Figure 3 ) you... At harvest determine the outcome of using silage additives encourage desirable fermentation, undesirable! Slightly depending on the plate moisture from 30 to over 60 percent function the! Sorghum forage is mown feed is also abnormal browning also creates heat, which increase. Quality silage will not produce quality grain feeding losses to below 10 percent into the weight. Related to the time needed to achieve stable silage limited by properly and... 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