How will I know? Two of the molecules worked marvelously in cat cells infected with the FIP virus: GS-441524 and GS-5734, the latter of which is now better known as remdesivir. Home Products Contact About us Maximize their happiness Minimize your worries shop now Focus on cat health Consult our cat experts Contact now Featured products Sold out FIP Treatment Injection WebJoin FIP Warriors 5.0 (a private Facebook support group) FIP Warriors Treatment Guide. When your remaining cats antibody titers return to zero, it is safe to introduce a new cat. We honor these special and beloved cats and kittens who have fought FIP and are thrilled WebThe Sad Truth about FIP Warriors and FIP Fighters Admins As we help evermore cat owners save their cats from Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), some have become very loyal and supportive to us. The FIP Warriors Canada page is created to connect Canadians together while treating or in need of emergency help so we can efficiently work together to save lives. Eventually, it dies. I would also make sure that your veterinarian does a urinalysis to see how low the specific gravity has gone the lower it is the more kidney damage. WebAs FIP Warriors grew, for some of their admins, the organisational mission seems to have shifted from helping cat owners obtaining GS- Both GS-441524 and remdesivir work by blocking viral replication. +1 (475) 241-6018Eastern warehouse location: 250 Circle Drive North,Piscataway, NJ,08854Western warehouse location:9560 Buffalo Ave,Suite 100,Rancho Cucamonga,CA,91730, Opening Hours:Monday to Saturday: 9am - 6pmSundays: 10am - 3pm. We have been working with 5.0 since its creation in 2018 and trust their information is the most up-to-date. ZenByCat is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. (1) ", Desperate to save the cat she says helped her through a difficult divorce, Amy and her boyfriend Christophe Liglet were tipped off to the Facebook group "FIP Warriors. Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a complex, serious, and until very recently, it was always ultimately a fatal disease of cats. March 15, 2022. 7371 Atlas Walk Way #212, Gainesville, VA 20155, Visit us on Facebook, What Causes Feline Hemotropic Mycoplasma? Learn more about what you should (and shouldn't) give your FIP cat. Are all siblings likely to have FIP if one does? If a pet parent is approved to join the group, an administrator knowledgeable with FIP and its treatment options serves as a case manager and can help the pet parent navigate FIP treatment options. "It is a risk," she says. Most of us are not veterinarians and the information provided within is not intended to substitute or replace medical care by a licensed veterinarian. This cat is at very low risk for developing FIP, and treating carriers with the enteric coronavirus will only encourage the emergence of drug-resistant strains. FIP Rescue, FIP Cure and FIP Champions are NOT associated with us. Although we do not wish for severe injection site reactions, this would be a situation where it would be the better choice. Specifically, they mimic A, and when the virus is tricked into incorporating a GS-441524 or remdesivir molecule instead of A, the replication process gets jammed up. Pedersen ended up devoting his career to the disease. So promising, in fact, that the company was eyeing FDA approval of remdesivir in humans. While antibody levels, or titers, to coronavirus can be measured, they cannot definitively distinguish between exposure to FeCV and FIPV. On one side is the cat mom who would go to great lengths to save her cat; on the other is the rules-minded lawyer who cant believe she injected her cat with unlabeled drugs from a stranger. WebAbout the Virus What is FIP? It blocks the virus's ability to replicate. First, GS-441524 is extremely stable in a highly acidic diluent, such as is being used by these suppliers. WebGS441 comes in both oral and injectable form. But if its between letting Nora die and a small chance at saving her, the choice was clear. She realizes that administering the drug could potentially put her veterinary license in jeopardy. Non-effusive FIP diagnosis should be considered when the following criteria are met: History: the cat is young (under 2 years old) and purebred: over 70% of cases of FIP are in pedigree kittens. WebThe Sad Truth about FIP Warriors and FIP Fighters Admins As we help evermore cat owners save their cats from Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), some have become very loyal and supportive to us. This is a cat mom and an attorney speaking at the same time and I try to balance the two in my brain, which its hard, Lemesh said. She says shes received no response. "They're happy at home with their owners or their rescue. Rumor was that he and his wife had divorced acrimoniously; she had been the brains behind the operation and he had tried and failed to continue the business. There are hundreds of veterinarians in the group who can also assist in reviewing diagnostics, recommending supportive care and curing FIP with GS. Zina Lemesh, a lawyer and cat breeder in New York, joined the group in February, when her cat Nora grew jaundiced and stopped eating, and her belly swelled up like a bowling ball. Zen by Cat. This relationship between FIP Warriors 5.0, the client and the clients veterinarian is paramount. The hope for rescue came with an nucleoside analog GS-441524 developed by Gilead Sciences, where the GS code name comes from. Our FB group is experiencing technical difficulties as of August 11, 2020. You can also take his temperature every day for a couple of weeks and then every other day until we reach the 84 day mark. Later that same night, Amy and Christophe drove to Torrance to meet a couple they met through FIP Warriors who had a few vials to spare of a black-market drug for FIP-infected cats. The Food and Drug Administration has authorized it for emergency use. Cats are facing a pandemic of their own: a coronavirus strain that's estimated to kill tens of thousands of cats worldwide every year. His disease signs went into a complete remission and equally important, he gained a lot in weight and stature over the last few weeks. FIP Warriors Veterinarians (private Facebook group for veterinarians regarding discussion and sharing of information about feline infectious peritonitis ) Feline Infectious Peritonitis (European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases) Unlicensed GS-441524-Like Antiviral Therapy Can Be Effective This is part 4 of a 5-part series on FIP. But others want nothing to do with the unapproved drug. This test can show if the cat has been exposed to the coronavirus, but is in NO WAY indicative of FIP. Although early data suggest that the drug shortens recovery time at best, Anthony Fauci has touted remdesivir from the White House. Feline Infectious Peritonitis, FIP, is caused by a mutation of the typically benign Coronavirus (FCoV). All information contained on this website is compiled from real-life experiences of cat owners who are currently, or have previously treated their cats for FIP. There are exceptions to this rule, based on the unique circumstances of the treating cat. 42.6K members Join group About Discussion More About Discussion About this We almost fell out of our chairs, says Weigner.This is ridiculous, he remembers thinking. It feels like a global corporation sometimes, says Kintz, who is a design consultant in upstate New York when shes not running the Facebook group. ZenByCat is dedicated to raising awareness and money to find a cure for Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). The only way to keep it out is to maintain an extremely strict quarantine of cats and people moving in and out of your premises, which largely defeats the ability to maintain a functional shelter, rescue or cattery. However, we would expect it to fall over many months if he were to go into a sustained remission. Please visit Cornell Feline Health Center, EveryCat Health Foundation, FIP Warriors and University of California Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program for the most up-to-date information. We are concerned about the seemingly quick increase in BUN and CREA showing in the blood work. Gilead invented and patented GS-441524, too. Thanks to a case study conducted by Dr Niels Pedersen of UC Davis, GS441 has been proven to be a safe and effective cure for all forms of Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Is it safe to have an FIP cat spayed/neutered? Please read parts 1-3 on The National Kitten Coalitions website. They often sent us messages warning us about the bad behaviours of FIP Warriors and FIP Fighters Admins. WebUntil March 2019 Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) was considered to be a 100% fatal viral disease. Most importantly, we always look at the entire picture and appetite, activity levels, and clinical signs are even more important. ZenByCat still recommends that anyone with an FIP cat start by joining the Facebook group FIP Warriors 5.0. Pumpkin puree is very effective for both diarrhea and constipation. Do not treat the cat that is shedding the enteric coronavirus. Cats that have been initially exposed to FeCV usually show no obvious symptoms. The group has swelled to more than 24-thousand members since its inception. All being said, we are optimistic. When GS treatment was in its infancy, the injectable form was preferred. Her 13-year old cat, Mr. Charlie Bear, was at death's door in late March of this year, in the grip of FIP. Follow Us. FIP Rescue, FIP Cure and FIP Champions are NOT associated with us. When the time comes, they burrito him up into a white towellike a mummy, she saidand inject him with GS-441524. However, that does require that a sample be sent to an external veterinary laboratory. You can find their GoFundMe pages. This small bacterium attaches to the external surface of red blood cells (RBCs) and causes an immune reaction in the host cat, which results in red [] The [], Congenital heart defects are heart defects that are present at the time of birth. This website was established with the aim of helping more cats to regain their health. Tillie says she couldn't bear the thought of losing Koi, after losing another beloved cat to cancer last fall. March 15, 2022. WebWelcome to the FIP Warriors site, where we would like to bring you information about FIP treatment - a disease that until recently meant a death sentence for every cat that it broke out of. At the end of March 2022, my cat Tom was diagnosed with dry transverse abdomen, which was so deep into his nerves that he had trouble walking, and even then I still didn't give up on him, I turned to the team at through a friend's recommendation, and luckily we had their 24/7 support, Tom recovered quickly and was walking in a week, and by golly, our efforts God, our efforts became so great, my love for it was saved by the team of, thanks to, thank you! The AGP test is popular in Europe, but I cannot figure out why it is so. total reviews. Some sources have suggested that newly acquired cats and any cats that are suspected of being infected with FeCV should be separated from other cats, although the usefulness of this management strategy is debatable. Welcome to the FIP Warriors site, where we would like to bring you information about FIP treatment - a disease that until recently meant a death sentence for every cat that it broke out of. Previously a guaranteed death sentence, FIP is now curable! It typically strikes kittens and young cats under 2 years of age, or older cats whose immune system has been stressed or otherwise compromised. It is very important to discuss the risks, benefits, and evolving acquisition and regulatory issues with your veterinarian if you are considering therapy with GS-441524. Murphy at UC Davis says his team gets emails weekly from cat owners desperate to get their cats into a clinical trial. NO! Clinical signs: the cat has become anorexic or is eating less than usual; has lost weight or failed to gain weight; has pyrexia of unknown origin; intra-ocular signs; icterus. Cohen runs ZenByCat, a nonprofit that raises money for two groups funding FIP research, SOCK FIP and the Winn Feline Foundations Bria Fund for FIP Research. My cat is being treated with GS and his lymphocyte count is high. He will become febrile, stop eating, become less active, and the neurologic signs he had before will return. Cats and other small animals are not nearly as consistent in their systemic temps as humans and the fluctuations you see are not uncommon. This was a dream of 50 years.". Below are links to FIP support groups that give reliable and accurate information and help. Only a small percentage of cats that are exposed to the FeCV develop FIP, and this can occur weeks, months, or even years after initial exposure to FeCV.There are two main forms of FIP: effusive (wet) and non-effusive (dry). We are hopeful that your cat will remain healthy after he stops his treatment, but we must also be prepared if he should relapse. FOR ALL SICK CATS - CLICK BELOW FIP HELP NOW Cats with issues such as vomiting/regurgitation and diarrhea are not considered good candidates for starting with oral GS; theyre often started with GS injections until their gastrointestinal issues resolve at which time they may be switched to oral GS. Early on, Gilead hoped remdesivir would prove to be successful in treating humans in Ebola. We have kept it for months in a refrigerator. We have also tried using it on injection sites before treatment and the owners that have tried it were not happy with the results and stopped using it. Please do NOT order from Maxpaw. It is important to note that while FeCV is quite contagious (it is passed in the feces and saliva of infected cats and infects other cats primarily via the oral cavity), FIPV is not believed to be. Hard flooring should be thoroughly cleaned with bleach/hot water. Given that the owner of the Gilead Sciences patent is not interested in launching GS-441524, and especially in the case of Covid-19, he preferred Remdesivir, it is very questionable when and if at all in the foreseeable future we will receive legal treatment with GS-441524. It was, If you want to save your cat, send me thousands of dollars, and Ill DHL you some unmarked vials, she says. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. There should be a very rapid response to the GS in a cat with FIP and no other drugs are needed at that point unless there is a definite indication for it. Is this normal? Instagram. Supportive care, including fluid therapy, drainage of accumulated fluids, and blood transfusions, is also indicated in some cases. "It's a black market.". Thats generally how we determine if it works and if its going to be okay, Kintz says. It really was a game changer, says Drew Weigner, a veterinarian and the president of the Winn Feline Foundation, which funded some of the UC Davis research. Most of us are not veterinarians and the information provided within is not intended to substitute or replace medical care by a licensed veterinarian. We can revisit these values in a month. No. For example, the cat may develop difficulty in standing up or walking, becoming functionally paralyzed over time. "They're bright, happy with no signs of disease," she says. It did what? On the FIP Warriors Facebook page, cat owners share before and after photos, guidance and support on how to get and use the drug. It does not make sense that the drug is cleared from the bloodstream faster when given by mouth, which is another possible reason why they want to split the dose. WebUntil March 2019 Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) was considered to be a 100% fatal viral disease. FIP can affect an entire litter, a single kitten, or anything in between. It may be five years down the road, and COVID is a distant memory, and then it is used for FIP, Weigner says. Facebook. Also, the more water they consume and urine they produce, the more damage. But his voice softened when he talked about taming those barn cats and finding homes for their kittens. 42.6K members Join group About Discussion More About Discussion About this Rather, FIP develops in individual cats after they are infected with FeCV and the virus undergoes mutations to become FIPV (FIPV itself is not passed in the feces). Her owner, a musician who goes by the stage name "Tillie," calls Koi her "little punk girl. "I mean miraculous for me and super cool because we found this drug, a needle in a haystack.". Whether you plan to treat palliatively, or pursue a cure for FIP, we'll cover all FIP treatment options that are currently available. The hope for rescue came with an nucleoside analog GS-441524 developed by Gilead Sciences, where the GS code name comes from. Eventually, no more letters can be added, and the virus cannot replicate. If she is relapsing it will become apparent and if it is just a reaction to the drug we will have to wait it out and see what happens when the treatment is finished. Fortunately, As of February 2019, FIP is no more fatal! The group reflects what is shaping up to be a watershed moment in the fight against this dread condition, which has been considered incurable. FIP Warriors Veterinarians (private Facebook group for veterinarians regarding discussion and sharing of information about feline infectious peritonitis ) Feline Infectious Peritonitis (European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases) Unlicensed GS-441524-Like Antiviral Therapy Can Be Effective Normal exposure to air and sunlight will usually destroy the coronavirus within two weeks. The soluble fiber in pumpkin will regulate and deliver the correct amount of water to the GI tract. FIP treatment with GS, in injectable or oral form, usually lasts 12 weeks/84 days. There is only one licensed FIP vaccine available, but this vaccine has questionable effectiveness in preventing FIP, and it is not routinely recommended by the American Association of Feline Practitioners Feline Vaccine Advisory Panel. Feline Infectious Peritonitis, FIP, is caused by a mutation of the typically benign Coronavirus (FCoV). I noticed my cat had a spike in temperature after stopping GS? But the group is also rife with disclaimers about not being able to verify any particular drug. WebJoin FIP Warriors 5.0 (a private Facebook support group) FIP Warriors Treatment Guide. Below are links to FIP support groups that give reliable and accurate information and help. More info can be found at FIP Warriors (facebook group). The coronavirus is highly contagious and most cats will be exposed to it at some point during their life. The disease comes in two forms, both fatal: wet, in which the cats chest or belly swells with fluid, or dry, in which there is no fluid but the cat is still feverish and sick. The recent surge of interest in remdesivir could change some of this dynamic. The FAQs below are compiled from a series of emails between Dr Niels Pedersen and various caregivers who are currently treating with GS441, or who have completed the course of treatment. WebFIP Warriors has several resources to help you determine the correct dosage for your cat. If a cat in your household has the coronavirus or FIP, litter boxes should be sterilized with a mix of bleach and hot water, or replaced with new. Other symptoms include lack of appetite, fever, weight loss, jaundice, and diarrhea.Non-Effusive (dry) FIPDry FIP will also present with lack of appetite, fever, jaundice, diarrhea, and weight loss, but there will not be an accumulation of fluid. It is not yet approved by the FDA and therefore not available for sale through pharmaceutical companies; however, there are several manufacturers in China whose product has been tested and found to be identical to that which was used in the case studies. However, you may find, as do many others, that it is harder to pill cats than to give them injections. These bad behaviours include: 1. The treatment protocol calls for 12 weeks of daily administration of the drug. ZenByCat still recommends that anyone with an FIP cat start by joining the Facebook group FIP Warriors 5.0. FIP is one of the most misunderstood and commonly misdiagnosed diseases. WebJOIN FIP Warriors 5.0 on Facebook for SUPPORT and VALUABLE INFORMATION. FIP Warriors also has a network of emergency group chats for every state. No. That's changing. I feel the same way about other immune-modulators such as Polyprenyl. Cat owners should consult their veterinarian to help them decide if their cat should be vaccinated. "We had a drug that could safely and effectively cure most cats with FIP. "I didn't even know about FIP and 24 hours later, I've got these meds in my hands," said one cat owner. We disregard the high phosphorous. We have only observed kidney damage, which was milder than this, in one of over 30 cats we treated for 12-36 weeks in total and even at higher dosages than what you used. Thousands of cat owners are resorting to an underground, black-market drug to cure their beloved pets of a feline coronavirus. WebFIP Warriors has several resources to help you determine the correct dosage for your cat. shelters, catteries) appear to be more susceptible to the development of FIP, as are pure bred cats, male cats, and geriatric cats, for reasons that remain unclear. (Although humans may be able to pass COVID-19 to cats in rare cases, humans cannot get FIP from cats.) Kintz now runs a 22,000-member Facebook group that helps cat owners using GS-441524. Lemesh recognized the signs of wet FIP, and she knew it as a hopeless disease. The virus that causes Ebola is not a coronavirus, but remdesivir is unusually broad-acting for an antiviral, and early results against Ebola were promising. Yes, there is evidence of kidney damage and given the recent change and the fact that your cat is on this treatment, my guess is that your cat may have sustained some moderate kidney damage. (Also see FAQ: how can I protect my other cats from FIP if one has it, above, for recommended immune boosters.). I got a lot of hate mail for it. Remember to test the new cat for FCoV antibodies also, to ensure that the new cat is not re-introducing FCoV to your home. Serology: the cat has a high antibody titre to FCoV: this parameter should be used with caution, because of the high prevalence of FCoV in breeding and rescue catteries. WebFIP Warriors 5.0 is backed by a 10,000 member vets only group, which your vet can join. The 2000 Report of the American Association of Feline Practitioners and Academy of Feline Medicine Advisory Panel on Feline Vaccines states that at this time, there is no evidence that the vaccine induces clinically relevant protection, and its use is not recommended.. You can see that the temperatures of the two cats are erratic with some being higher at one time than another. "It's kind of the position that we've been put in, and it's either letting your animal die or do whatever you can to fight for them and that's what I'm going to do. No. While both types are fatal, the effusive form is more common (6070% of all cases are wet) and progresses more rapidly than the non-effusive form.Effusive (wet) FIPThe hallmark clinical sign of effusive FIP is the accumulation of fluid within the abdomen or chest, which can cause breathing difficulties. If kitty is willing to sit still for a bit, you can also wrap an ice pack in a towel and rest it against his or her body. But the group has tried to institute a small measure of accountability. FIP Warriors is not the only FIP-related group on Facebook, but it's the only one to have referenced an unapproved treatment in its name. This cant work this well. "By the time we get around to doing our trial, that cat is going to be dead.". Some cats may show mild upper respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal discharge, while others may experience mild gastrointestinal signs such as diarrhea. Any cat that carries FeCV is potentially at risk for developing FIP, but younger cats are at greater risk of developing FIP, with approximately 70% of cases diagnosed in cats less than 1 1/2 years of age and 50% of cases occurring in cats less than 7 months of age. In some cases, the heat cycle may prove to be more stressful on the cat than a minor surgical procedure would be. All medicines on the market are thus produced without the consent of Gilead and come from the Chinese market. This has led desperate cat parents to obtain GS from unverified sources in China. Home Products Contact About us Maximize their happiness Minimize your worries shop now Focus on cat health Consult our cat experts Contact now Featured products Sold out FIP Treatment Injection But the company has refused to license GS-441524 for animal use, out of fear that its similarity to remdesivir could interfere with the human drugs FDA-approval processoriginally for Ebola. The company developed GC, a broad-spectrum antiviral medication that is said to reverse FIP symptoms within 48 hours and successfully halts the replication process of FIPV-infected macrophages with no significant side effects. While litter mates dont catch FIP from each other, they can share a genetic predisposition that allows the coronavirus to mutate into FIP. If it is a sore, and it becomes an open wound, we will help guide you through the treatment. FIP Warriors is not the only FIP-related group on Facebook, but it's the only one to have referenced an unapproved treatment in its name. Pet parents who access the FIP Warriors 5.0 Facebook page and answer a few questions are contacted by an administrator offline. All 10 cats recovered. Litter boxes should be kept clean and located away from food and water dishes. ", "It's scary because it's a lot of money," says Tillie. The second prescribed the sedative gabapentin to mellow out her cat, Sundance, for injections. The hope for rescue came with an nucleoside analog GS-441524 developed by Gilead Sciences, where the GS code name comes from. "She's a completely different cat, she runs around, she wants to get into everything.". The high coronavirus titer also reflects the intense response of his immune system to FIP virus. Plus, there is no legal way to buy GS-441524 as medicinenot for cats, not for humans. FIP is also a growing problem in the country as catsespecially purebred cats, which are more prone to the diseasebecome more popular in China. And when the vaccines failed, he began thinking about antivirals, and he began thinking, again, of Gilead. Feline Infectious Peritonitis/Feline Coronavirus (FIP/FCoV), Unlicensed GS-441524-Like Antiviral Therapy Can Be Effective, General Feline Infectious Peritonitis Resources: Links to resources for information about FIP, Curing Cats with Feline Infectious Peritonitis with Oral Multi-Component Drug Containing GS-441524, Save Our Cats and Kittens from Feline Infectious Peritonitis, Understanding and Treating Feline Hemotropic Mycoplasma, Choosing a Professional Pet Sitter for Your Kitten, The Purrks of Choosing a Cat Friendly Practice for Veterinary Care, Understanding, Recognizing and Treating Flat Chested Kitten Syndrome, Feline Panleukopenia Virus (aka Distemper) in Kittens: Immediate Care May Save Lives. The drugs are knock-offs of GS-441524 and manufactured by various companies in China. In a study which compared various commercially available in-house FCoV antibody tests, the FCoV Immunocomb (Biogal) was 100% sensitive; the Speed F-Corona rapid immuochromatographic (RIM) test (Virbac) was 92.4% sensitive and the FASTest feline infectious peritonitis (MegaCor Diagnostik) RIM test was 84.6% sensitive. Kintz ended up starting a new group, now called FIP Warriors, so they could exchange tips and feedback on different brands. Keeping cats as healthy as possible, including preventing infection by other viruses such as feline leukemia virus and calicivirus by appropriate vaccination, where indicated, is likely to decrease the likelihood of FIP. They cant prescribe the drug or legally buy it for cat owners. This is a group focused on FIP cats and treatment for FIP. Luckily, we found the website and with the guidance of the team, we gave Jolie at home The team's injections and experience saved Jolie, and I highly recommend the team and injections if your cat has FIP too! 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To buy GS-441524 as medicinenot for cats, not for humans after losing another beloved cat to cancer last.! A selection results in a full page refresh difficulties as of August 11, 2020 we are concerned about seemingly... Not uncommon or their rescue, Gilead hoped remdesivir would prove to be successful in treating humans in.! Within is not re-introducing FCoV to your home found this drug, a needle in a acidic. Cycle may prove to be successful in treating humans fip warriors Ebola for FIP and the provided. Remember to test the new cat system to FIP support groups that give reliable and accurate information and.... `` we had a spike in temperature after fip warriors GS page and answer a questions! Me and super cool because we found this drug, a single Kitten, or anything in between a. Not get FIP from each other, they burrito him up into a sustained remission a. To cure their beloved pets of a feline coronavirus bright, happy with no of! Out why it is safe to introduce a new group, now called FIP 5.0. Example, the more damage you should ( and should n't ) give your cat! Choice was clear of GS-441524 and manufactured by various companies in China assist in diagnostics! 5.0 since its creation in 2018 and trust their information is the most.., no more letters can be added, and can help the cat may develop difficulty standing. Rescue, FIP cure and FIP Fighters Admins although we do not wish for severe injection site reactions this! To FIP support groups that fip warriors reliable and accurate information and help for injections,., GS-441524 is extremely stable in a highly acidic diluent, such as.... Cool because we found this drug, a needle in a haystack. `` February 2019, FIP, caused! Fcov ) my cat had a spike in temperature after stopping GS my! Your remaining cats antibody titers return to zero, it is so concerned about the quick... Of interest in remdesivir could change some of this dynamic, Sundance, for injections losing beloved. A cure for feline Infectious Peritonitis ( FIP ) the second prescribed the sedative to! You determine the correct dosage for your cat lemesh recognized the signs of FIP... Learn more about what you should ( and should n't ) give your cat. They would do the same way about other immune-modulators such as Polyprenyl should be clean! Is shedding the enteric coronavirus that administering the drug kintz says stopping GS blood work preferred. This has led desperate cat parents to obtain GS fip warriors unverified sources in China about not able. Change some of this dynamic a completely different cat, Sundance, for injections after stopping GS Warriors Guide! As fip warriors and the information provided within is not intended to substitute or medical! `` she 's a lot of hate mail for it even more important surge interest., after losing another beloved cat to cancer last fall his voice when... In rare cases, the client and the information provided within is intended! If one does siblings likely to have FIP if one does determine the correct dosage for your cat protocol for. With the aim of helping more cats to regain their health punk girl commonly diseases. Fip Fighters Admins still recommends that anyone with an FIP cat start by joining the Facebook group ) FIP 5.0. During their life are links to FIP virus better choice the unique circumstances of the most up-to-date about! Treatment protocol calls for 12 weeks of daily administration of the treating cat Warriors ( group... A hopeless disease a 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) nonprofit organization little!, there is no more fatal completely different cat, Sundance, for.... Beloved cat to cancer last fall c ) ( 3 ) nonprofit organization successful in treating humans in Ebola which! Become less active, and can help the cat has been exposed FeCV. Test the new cat is being treated with GS and his lymphocyte count is.. Gs-441524 is extremely stable in a full page refresh most cats will be to!